Category: SaveMyCooks

Why Is My Gnocchi Dough Sticky?

There’s nothing quite as delectable as pillowy gnocchi, fresh from the pot and dressed in a rich sauce. But sometimes, the journey from raw ingredients to the final dish encounters a sticky roadblock. Let’s understand...

Why Is My Calamari Chewy or Rubbery?

Ah, calamari! A delicacy of the sea, enjoyed by many around the world. But there’s a universal frustration with this seafood gem: the unpleasant chewy, rubbery texture that sometimes plagues our plates. Today, we’re diving...

Why is My Chicken Breast Dry?

The eternal kitchen conundrum – you’ve prepared a seemingly beautiful dish of chicken breast, only to slice into it and find it’s dry as the Sahara. What went wrong? We’ve all been there. The answer...

Why is my Pesto bitter?

Pesto, with its vibrant green hue and bold, herbaceous flavors, is a beloved sauce that can elevate any dish from ordinary to extraordinary. However, there’s nothing more disappointing than eagerly digging into a plate of...

Why Is My Stew Meat So Tough?

Few dishes evoke the warmth and comfort of home-cooked meals quite like a hearty beef stew. Imagine the anticipation as you lift the lid, only to discover that the meat is tough and chewy, instead...

Why is my Bolognese so watery?

There’s nothing quite like a comforting bowl of rich and hearty Bolognese sauce served over al dente pasta. The tantalizing aroma of simmering meat, vegetables, and tomatoes wafting through the kitchen is enough to make...

Why are my fries so oily?

I love fries. I mean who doesn’t? Crunchy on the outside, fluffy on the inside. However sometimes when I made them, they are just soaked with oil. Through multiple attempts, I found out that the...

Why is my congee watery?

I love cooking congee on a rainy day. It’s the perfect comfort and healthy food that I can eat almost every day. When I first started cooking congee, I always ended up with a watery...